Past Events

December 2023

“A Christmas Oratorio”
By Camille Saint Saens

Christmas Motets
by Michael Praetorius

This NCC performance rocked the house! Accompanied by a String Quintet, Paul Brady on the Organ and Piano, professional soloists, Deac Guidi, Bereniece Jones-Centeno, Kari Burgess, Scot Crandal, and Alyse Jamieson, the North Coast Chorale, directed by Dr. Vincent Jones-Centeno, presented “A Christmas Oratorio” with all the passion, depth, and enthusiasm due this masterpiece.

Trimming the Tree with Special Treats!

On Friday, December 22nd at 4 p.m., North Coast Choral will once again, enliven the halls and the residents at Astor Place Assisted Living with the presentation of a special mini-concert of well-known Christmas Carols. It will be a time for everyone to sing their hearts out and get into the spirit of Christmas. At about 6 p.m., just to keep everyone in the mood, the Chorale will lead a Sing-Along at the Liberty Theatre, while the movie “White Christmas” is showing. The invitation is to “sing-along” whole-heartedly will al the familiar songs known & loved from this iconic movie. This is a free event set apart for the Liberty Theatre and NCC to lift the spirits of the community.

Caroling at Astor Place

NCC livens up the residents at Astor Place.

Keeping in the Spirit

It’s just not Christmas without a kiss from Santa

Caroling at the Liberty

Caroling in the Lobby just before singing with “White Christmas” What Fun!

Annual NCC “Messiah” Sing-Along

North Coast Chorale officially kicked off the holiday season with a wonderful, and very generous audience enjoying selections from Handel’s Messiah. . Some listened and some “sang-along” with the Chorale as they exuberantly reverberated the Chorus pieces. Then, as if in another time, everyone enjoyed the talented NCC soloists, and the beautiful accompaniment comprising of six strings, a bassoon, and trumpet, along with Dr. Vincent Jones-Centeno on the Harpsichord.

An abundance of shelf-stable food and monetary donations was received and is greatly appreciated. All donations will benefit the CCA Regional Food Bank.

North Coast Chorale

Receives support from Clatsop County Cultural Coalition through grant funding.

Oregon Cultural Trust

Supports Oregon Non-profits including